What is a Medical Records Specialist and Does your Clinic Need One

Got a medical clinic that's drowning in disorganized patient records? You, and a million other physicians. We know how tough it is to keep all that paperwork straight. 

Have you ever given serious thought to hiring a medical records specialist? 

In this article, we’ll dish out all there is to know about these paperwork experts, and also tell you about the high-tech alternatives available. 

We’ll cover: 

What does a medical records specialist do? 

A medical records specialist, also known as a health information technician, plays a critical role in managing patients' healthcare information. 

Their job encompasses a wide array of tasks, all centered around ensuring the accuracy, accessibility, privacy, and security of a patient's medical records. 

Here's a breakdown of what they do:

Does your clinic need a medical records specialist?

If you're on the fence about hiring a medical records specialist, we’ll say they’re definitely a useful asset to have around. 

Here’s how they can make your life so much easier:

A medical records specialist will organize all your documents and digitize them so you can find what you need in seconds. With patient files, insurance forms, treatment plans, and who knows what else flying around, it's easy for stuff to get messy. So, no more frantically searching through piles of paper when an auditor shows up!

They handle the boring (but important) tasks. Doctors didn't go through years of school to spend their time filing insurance claims and entering data. Medical records specialists take care of all the routine paperwork so you can focus on practicing medicine.

They help keep your practice compliant. Between HIPAA, medical codes, and a bazillion other regulations, it's tough to keep up. Medical records specialists stay on top of all the rules so you don't end up facing hefty fines or legal trouble. They make sure your patient data and billing practices are squeaky clean.

They can save you money. When records are organized and coded properly, you spend less time tracking down information and correcting errors. And proper coding means insurance companies are more likely to approve and fully reimburse your claims. So hiring a specialist may cost a bit upfront but can save you big bucks in the long run. 

How much does it cost to hire a medical records specialist?

While there are a ton of benefits from onboarding a specialist, hiring one isn’t exactly the cheapest option. 

Unless you’ve got money to burn, you’ll want to make sure the cost is worth it.

They can cost a lot

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average medical records specialist earns around $50,000 per year. But salaries can range from $30,000 up to $80,000 or more for very experienced specialists, especially in large hospitals. 

It depends on factors like location, education, certifications, and years of experience. 

If you’re hiring an entry-level specialist, budget at least $35,000 to $45,000 to start.

Other costs

Don’t forget the extra fees on top of salary. You’ll need to pay for things like health insurance, retirement benefits, paid time off, and payroll taxes. 

These additional costs typically add at least 25-30% to the base salary. Do the math and that $45,000 salary could actually cost you $60,000 or more per year in total compensation.

Worth the investment?

While medical records specialists aren’t cheap, they can be worth the cost. When patient files are organized and coded properly, your clinic operates more efficiently.

Billing and collections happen faster. And in the event of an audit, you’ll be prepared. If hiring a full-time employee isn’t in your budget, consider outsourcing to a medical coding and billing service. They can handle your records at a lower cost than an in-house hire.

Forget the hassle: Automate your medical records with Lindy

Managing medical records is about as fun as a root canal without anesthesia. But don’t worry, we’ve got the Novocaine for your records woes - meet Lindy, your new AI-powered medical records specialist. 

Here’s how Lindy can help you completely streamline your medical records: 

If coping with medical records makes you want to check out of your own clinic, let Lindy check you into the 21st century!

Where to find high-quality medical records specialists

Still want to go with a human? Now comes the tricky part: Finding good candidates.

First things first, don’t just post an ad on a job board and hope for the best! That’s way #1 to get unqualified candidates that will just take up a huge chunk of your time, energy, and resources. 

For this job, you need real professionals with proven experience.

Summing up 

We’re pretty sure that you agree with us: Starting at a mountain of paperwork every day just isn’t productive.

A medical records specialist will, in all likelihood, make your life easier and your practice more efficient. And who knows maybe you'll even have time for a social life again! 

Take it from us: Bringing someone on to manage those records is a smart move, whether it’s an AI assistant like Lindy or a human. 

Yes, your patients will thank you – even if they never find out about it.