5 Concrete Examples of AI in Healthcare - 2024

You’ve probably heard a lot about how Artificial Intelligence is transforming healthcare, but what does that even mean, exactly? 

It’s not all hype: AI is making a meaningful difference in patient outcomes and care.

In this article, we’ll explore five concrete examples of AI already in use and how this emerging technology aims to improve everything from hospital administration to surgical procedures. 

We’ll cover: 

Let’s get down to business!

What is AI in healthcare, and why does it matter?

AI in healthcare refers to the use of Artificial Intelligence and machine learning in the medical field. 

Over time, the rising tide of AI has the potential to improve health outcomes, reduce costs, and enhance the patient experience.

With AI, computers can analyze huge amounts of data to detect patterns and insights that humans may miss. 

Moreover, AI systems are capable of learning over time and can provide predictive analytics to determine a patient's risk of disease or the best course of treatment.

With AI projected to be a $187 billion industry in healthcare by 2030, it’s clear this is much more than a passing fad. AI and medicine are now inextricable, and this is a tendency that will only grow stronger in the future. 

It’s also worth noting that AI is enhancing human capabilities instead of replacing them outright! 

Better healthcare through Artificial Intelligence

Healthcare AI is already bringing a host of benefits with it, such as: 

Reducing errors, and improving outcomes

As we mentioned above, another important feature of healthcare AI is being able to provide much better patient outcomes. 

But let’s take a look at how it’s doing this: 

Who is using AI in healthcare today?

Many major tech companies and healthcare organizations are investing in and implementing AI. 

Some of the biggest players leading the charge include:

5 real-world examples of healthcare AI in action

We’ve already gone over general use cases. But what are some actual examples of healthcare AI making our lives better and healthier? 

Check these out: 


What types of tasks can AI help automate in healthcare?

Healthcare AI has the potential to completely automate tasks like: 

Can AI replace human physicians and nurses?

No, not yet, and maybe not ever. AI systems today are designed to assist humans, not replace them. Yes, AI may take over certain routine tasks, but human judgment, empathy, and skill are still necessary to offer quality care. It’s about collaboration, where AI automates tasks, and humans provide empathy, critical thinking, and judgment. 

How can patients benefit from AI in healthcare?

Healthcare AI is a win/win for patients and doctors in a variety of ways: 


So, it’s pretty much a given that AI is already having a tremendous effect on healthcare today. 

From automating mundane tasks to assisting surgeons in the operating room, the applications are endless, with the benefits to match. 

If there’s one thing that’s for sure, it’s this: these advances will only keep accelerating in the coming years.

Next steps

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