Interview Transcriber

Transform your interviews into accurate transcripts with Lindy's AI. Streamline your research and content creation. Free to try.

Transcribe with AI
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Easy as one, two, three

How to Transcribe Interviews with AI
Transcribe with AI
When this happens...
Do this

Upload Your Interview

Upload audio or video interviews into Lindy’s platform, and let AI-powered tools transcribe and summarize the key points for easy review.

Generate Transcript

Set up Lindy to transcribe interviews with precision, ensuring speaker identification and adding accurate timestamps for seamless review.

Edit and Export

Review the interview transcript generated by Lindy, make any necessary edits, and export it to your desired format for easy sharing and storage.

Lindy is the simplest way to create AI agents — smart automations that integrate with all your apps, from Gmail to HubSpot, to save you hours a week and help you grow your business.

How can Lindy’s Interview Transcriber help you?
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Transcribe with AI


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Frequently asked questions
What is an AI Interview Transcriber?
An AI Interview Transcriber uses artificial intelligence to convert spoken interviews into written text. Lindy's Interview Transcriber automates the process of transcribing audio and video interviews, significantly improving efficiency and accuracy in content creation and research.
How can I create a personal AI assistant?
Can I customize the AI Interview Transcriber?
What else can Lindy do?
Yes, you can customize Lindy's AI Interview Transcriber. Set preferences for transcript format, speaker identification, and timestamp frequency. You can also train Lindy on specific terminology or accents relevant to your field.
What kind of tools can Lindy integrate with?
Creating an AI Interview Transcriber is only the beginning with Lindy. Using Lindy, you can create an entire team of AI employees to work for you. That includes AI to help with anything from transcribing interviews to content creation and data analysis. Any Lindies you create can also collaborate in teams to handle complex transcription tasks and streamline your entire workflow.

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Transcribe with AI